Kefe Ufa Kio
Romeo is the son to Lord and Lady Montague and one of the two title characters. Romeo's first love interest is not Juliet but a young woman named Rosaline, who, like Juliet, happens to be a Capulet. When characters first refer to Romeo, he is described as acting in a peculiar way. His friend and cousin, Benvolio, discovers why: the cause is hopeless, incurable lovesickness. Rosaline has vowed to live unwed and without a lover. (Rosaline, incidentally, never appears in the play.) Romeo's infatuation with Rosaline and her resoluteness to remain celibate inspire Romeo's behavior.

Response: I think Romeo had made wise decisions in leaving all this gang voilence stuff to loving Juliet who was an enemy. despite the fact that Romeo's and Juliet's families were at war, the two were still at it trying to find true love. 

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